Show 2. maj 2025

Decarbonised Homes Made Easy




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En grøn bundlinje. Den største udfordring i nyere tid. Fra fossile brændstoffer til vedvarende energi. Og få samtidig alle boligejere med. En app til klima- og energi kriser der samler markedets aktører, banker, energi- og ejendomsselskaber og matcher dem med kunder i en A-Z proces plus en service for håndværkere og industrien. Hun allerede sparet tonsvis af CO2. Hun hedder ikke Greta men Bodil!


Residential energy consumption – and not least heating homes with oil and gas – is at the heart of three of our time’s most pressing crises: the climate crisis, the cost-of-living crisis, and Europe’s geopolitical tensions with Russia.

In the next ten years, Europe must transition over 100 million homes away from fossil heating and Putin’s gas, and onto climate friendly solutions such as heat pumps, geothermal and rooftop solar.Succeeding with this will reduce annual household emissions by up to 2,7 tons per year – the equivalent of each household removing three cars from the roads – and save homeowners over 70% on their utility bills. In total, achieving this goal will cut Europe’s total greenhouse gas emissions by more than 12%.

So what’s stopping us?

The short answer is homeowners don’t know where to start, and there is a shortage of installers equipped and willing to meet the demand and expectations of the market.

Most homeowners are unaware they could save up to 70% on their energy bills just by electrifying their homes, and those who do know, struggle to find the right solution for them and connect with trustworthy installers. To make matters worse, poor pre-sales analysis of homes results in mistakes in upwards of 80% of installations, all resulting in a 15% average energy loss per home.

Most installers don’t have the right tools to do their job well. They use outdated, analogue processes that are inefficient and costly. Assessing the homes’ energy needs (dimensioning) to provide the optimal hardware solutions for each unique homes happenson-site. Manual dimensioning and home visits are time consuming, unreliable, and not billable. And with only 1/3 quotes converting to sales, prospecting is both expensive, and risky for installers. At the point of installation, a lack of process standardisation wastes time and lowers quality. Poor procurement capabilities and costly revisits due to mistakes and complaints drive up costs and cause delays.
This in turn means that many installers (plumbers and electricians) who are technically equipped to do the job, choose not to. This is an enormous challenge, as the shortage of installers is the number one barrier to the home energy transition in Europe.

To enable a future where the homes we live in don’t damage the planet we live on, something new was needed.


Enter Bodil - a home decarbonisation ecosystem and platform for the future of open energy. Launched in 2020, Bodil takes the friction out of energy retrofitting homes in the following four ways:

1. By activating a new generation of climate champions, placing banks, energy companies, and real estate agencies at the heart of the energy transition. Banks are on the hook for C02 emissions from the homes they help finance, while energy companies have large legacy portfolios of gas customers. Finally, the buying and selling of homes provides an ideal time to think about energy retrofitting and the utility spend from running a new home. Combined they can achieve change at the scale and speed we need to deliver on the Paris Climate Agreement.

2. By enabling homeowners to quickly assess the energy potential of their homes with digital customer onboarding providing a best-in-class first mile experience. This includes fast digital access to detailed energy recommendations, a transparent and reliable overview of future costs & payback time, and readily available green financing, so that savings can pay for installation. In short, we remove barriers to home energy transition by making the act of getting rid of an old gas boiler as easy as switching internet provider.

3. By equipping existing and new installers with the digital workbench needed to exceed homeowner expectations and win the market for energy retrofitting. Bodil augments the impact of each energy installer by putting AI-enabled energy tools, and dynamic, product-specific installation best practices and guides at the fingertips of installers. We ensure an inclusive green transition, where small and medium sized installers are powered by the same (actually - much better) digital capabilities as consolidated energy companies or M&A installation giants.

4. By creating the digital infrastructure to connect, monitor and optimise home energy performance across energy assets such as heat pumps, solar panels, chargers and batteries in each Bodil home – all in order to minimise the emissions footprint and utility bills of each household.


Since going live, Bodil’s fully operational platform has already helped over 5000 homeowners. We’ve built a dedicated team of 20 energy nerds, developers and product designers – all in on a shared mission to decarbonise homes at scale.

We only launched in 2020, but today, we are the exclusive energy retrofitting partner of Nordea, Jyske Bank, Norlys, and EDC with a further three exciting institutional partnerships in the pipeline. Bodil provides the digital infrastructure that will enable hundreds of thousands of their customers to transition their homes to sustainable energy, with built in reporting on the emissions reduction impact, and documentation for EU taxonomy compliance.

Furthermore, our energy tools are used by more than 140 installation teams (with a similar number currently waitlisted), and integrate with almost 100 different energy products to date.

House by house, street by street, city by city, Bodil won’t rest until every last home in Europe is decarbonised. And we are particularly proud of our achievements in light of the fact that we have not yet closed our Seed funding round - which we're currently in the process of raising.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Niklas Allamand Dib

CEO & Co-founder

Morten Bay

CPO & Co-founder


Thomas Houmølle-Præstholm

Head of Software Development

Søren Heupel


Rune Holse

Product Manager

Filip Gyllström

Junior Software Developer


Jyske Bank
