En oplagt lillebror til Mobile Pay, ja – men sindsygt godt eksekveret. Og den sociale indsigt i, at det gavner alle at forskyde ansvaret for opkrævningen fra en af vennerne til en udenforstående rationel robot, er spot on. Danske Bank beviser her endnu en gang, hvordan man kan flytte sit brand gennem relevant ’gimmickfri’ innovation inden for kernen. Godt gået.

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Guld i kategorien Mobile Pay gives til en simpel løsning der simpelthen bare løser en helt simpel problemstilling. Med udgangspunkt i et samtaleformat, er man lykkedes med, at skabe en løsning der har en høj anvendelighed. En løsning der i den grad er tilpasset de præmisser, der gør sig gældende i en mobil tilværelse.
Vi elsker at dele, vi elsker Mobile Pay og nu elsker vi også WeShare


MobilePay has changed the way we use money, and transformed us into a virtually cashless society. With over 3.4 million downloads, it recently became the preferred payment app for over 80 banks in the Nordics.

And now, it has a little sister.

Together with MobilePay, we discovered that sharing expenses is part of sharing an experience.

And when we make plans together, the conversation usually starts on social platforms.

But money can create friction between people, and it’s awkward to ask others to pay their share. We wanted to remove that unpleasant moment.  

Based on this insight, we decided to keep MobilePay’s simplicity intact, and create a standalone app that functions like a chat interface – where you can plan and share experiences – and pay via a seamless integration with MobilePay.


The result is WeShare, an end-to-end social app that merges chat, expense sharing, and payment.

Transfer your credentials from MobilePay with just one click, and you’re ready to go.

Create a group, and invite your friends. Chat with one another, share photos, and enter all your shared expenses.

New amounts or purchases can be added in just a few seconds, and you can even do uneven splits if someone in the group isn’t part of a particular expense.

People don’t even have to settle-up at the same time, but can do it continuously, or when they leave the conversation.

‘Stacks’ - the bot we designed to keep track of who owes what – politely nudges everyone to pay their share, and tells you if others join, or leave the group.

Use it abroad, and the app automatically converts foreign currencies to kroner.


WeShare reached 145,000 unique users in the first six months, and is continuing to grow in popularity every day.

The app makes sharing expenses and making purchases on behalf of an entire group intuitive and engaging. And because the entire experience is easy and seamless, people don’t really have to think about money. Just enter what you pay for, swipe when the event is over, and it all adds up.

Rated one of the best apps of 2016 by Go’Morgen Danmark, WeShare makes shared experiences fun - and spreads a sense of involvement and togetherness - that starts with a conversation, and ends with a swipe.


Bettina Schjødt Larsen

Business Lead

Bo Tolstrup Christensen

Head of MobilePay Concepts

Trine Mørch Thomsen

Business Developer

Hello Group

Anders Fredsø Olsen

Lead Producer

Thomas Ø. Høgild

Lead Experience Designer

Shaun Dickie

Design Lead

Jimmy Persson

Senior Designer

James Kelway

Director of Product

Lasse Vakgaard

Account Director




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