Vinder af Digital Branding


Denne case er eksemplarisk for en konsistent, lækkert, enkelt og produktnært eksekveret kampagne. En platform, som bygger på en global indsigt og passion (BBQ) og som kan nemt adopteres til mange forskellige lande. En kampagne, der gennem den internationale content har potentiale til at løfte Weber ud af det lidt folkelige image og som inspirere til endnu mere grill.
Smukt og æstetisk eksekveret med flotte resultater på tværs af medier og markeder!


In 2015 the Weber brand started out on a new journey to align the brand across the whole EMEA region. For the first time ever Weber wanted a campaign that could engage more than 20 markets with different cultures, traditions, market conditions and media behavior. Furthermore the campaign should provide the consumers with the opportunity to engage with the brand. And in addition doing so without a large scale media budget. To create a genuinely deep engagement with the audience we decided to leverage the one thing that they all could relate to: their love for barbecuing. The objectives were to crate a brand universe that could launch the first collaborate EMEA campaign and provide Weber with a content platform that would be able to grow and expand as more cultures are added. The ambition was to provide a number of useful tools, learning and inspiration for grill enthusiasts around the world.


In this immersive digital experience, we invite our grillers on a journey through bbq cultures across the world. To discover, to learn, to be inspired. Through cinematic and interactive content, we join BBQ’s we might never have had the chance to experience We learn everything from how to choose the right piece of meat, to the importance of timing,keeping your knives razor sharp and smoking a Norwegian salmon. Every piece of content whether interactive tools, tutorial videos or inspirational recipes, had to be useful and sharable, with each deep dive having a specific mission to entertain, educate, and showcase Weber's grills and accessories.


Visitors has passed 750.000 that in average has spent around 8 minutes each interacting with the content. 32% of the visitors choose to return to the platform and there is a bounce rate below 10%. The byte sized film content shared on Webers own social media platforms have amassed more than 3.000.000 organic views. The campaign is viewed as a massive success by the brand and is to be adapted by several regions outside of the EMEA region; North america, Canada and Mexico. Furthermore the brand is looking for establishing the platform as a permanent global educational activity to build the skills of grillers worldwide.


Stig Pedersen

Marketing Director EMEA


Karsten L. Kirkegaard

Digital Director

Charlotte Porsager

Account Director

Lars Samuelsen

Chief Strategy Officer/Head of digital

Jimmy Blom

Executive Creative Director

Michael Mandrup

Design Director

Mathias Nielsen


Carl Angelo

Art Director



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