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Trackunit is a Danish tech company, developing and producing telematics solutions for the construction industry’s off-road vehicles such as dumpers, excavators and forklifts.
The company started out as a small startup located in Northern Denmark and grew into a no. 1 position within machine telematics within a decade, predominantly manufacturing hardware in the form of black boxes. These boxes function as track-and-trace entities offering fleet managers a real-time overview of their machinery.

The data collected from machinery can provide entirely new insights that can improve efficiency and communication in the entire ecosystem within construction. However, the utilisation of data remains largely unexploited territory. In fact, McKinsey placed the construction industry as the second least digital industry.

However, Trackunit decided to see this as an opportunity to make a radical change in the construction industry. Because although this stark analysis did reveal the lack of digitalisation within construction, it – on the other hand – also established that if the construction industry was successfully digitalised, it could hold tremendous business potential.


To unleash the great potential of untapped data, Trackunit needed to succeed in transforming not only their business model but the mindset of a conservative and mainly analogue industry.

The solution was to connect the entire ecosystem within construction and show how Trackunit’s telematics services could solve real day-to-day problems for all stakeholders: The Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), the rental companies, the service technicians, and the operators.

To bridge the gap between complex telematics and the people using it, we introduced
two new services: Trackunit Go and Trackunit On.

Trackunit On is the key to every machine, enabling operators to connect to licensed machinery. With Trackunit On, an operator’s driving behaviour can be proactively influenced through digital pre-checks and notifications, ensuring site safety and decreasing breakdowns and unplanned repairs.

Trackunit Go provides service technicians, site managers and fleet owners with the right machine data at the right time. It allows you to take immediate action when an alarm indicates scheduled maintenance or signals an emergency call from a client. With Trackunit Go, the fleet manager can monitor and reach his entire fleet from the palm of his hand.

To make room for the new services, we created a clear hierarchy in the product portfolio. Realising that the black box was merely an enabler for the more interesting and value-adding services, we boiled down the wide range of black boxes, consisting of no fewer than 19 types, to a single one-box-fits-all called Raw accompanied by a range of accessories. Services providing the entire ecosystem with predictive maintenance, smarter service-scheduling, intelligent machine diagnostics and digital checklists.

To support Trackunit’s transformation and new position within the industry, the
Trackunit-brand underwent a complete redesign. A new website was launched, and several layers of complex language were peeled off to support and establish Trackunit as a tech leader within the industry.


Trackunit has succeeded in doing what nobody has ever done before by connecting the entire ecosystem within construction. All collected data is now automatically analysed and actively used to create truly valuable advantages for Trackunit’s customers.

Simplifying the product portfolio and transforming the business model repositioned Trackunit as a data-driven serviceprovider with increasingly intelligent software solutions to the entire value chain for off-road vehicles.

This business transformation required a shift of mindset – and not only within the company, but in the entire industry. Trackunit Predict, a new division within Trackunit that functions as an incubator bringing together abilities and resources to create new digital solutions and value-adding services, is the ultimate manifestation of the new mindset. Now driven by a co-creating approach to bridging the gap between man and machine, Trackunit has essentially evolved from being a late adopter into being an agile first-mover and innovator of their industry.

Since the launch of Predict, Trackunit has formed partnerships with several OEMs including Mitsubishi, Caterpillar and Skyjack – a domain that holds huge potential and which was utterly inconceivable in the past where selling hardware was the main focus of the company.

Now Trackunit is reaping the benefits of their notable transformation while their intuitive new service category makes them stand out in a complex landscape, ultimately leading to a stronger position in the market.


- 400.000+ pageviews on since launch in May.

- 39 % increase in machinery connected through Trackunit within a year.

- Software-based services now constitute 20 % of the company's business foundation.

- Establishment of prominent OEM-partnerships including Mitsubishi, Caterpillar and Skyjack.


Søren Brogaard Jensen


Brian Lyscarz



Cecilie Lund Madsen

Strategic Director

Christian Stjernqvist

Design Director

Asbjørn Severin





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