Toms Guld Barre – Fordi små øjeblikke er guld værd

Twenty Agency & OMD


Toms Gruppen A/S

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Background & Brief
Toms Guld Barre is one of Denmark’s most loved and iconic brands. A staple in most people’s childhood memories and homes. But, after many years of de-prioritising the brand in favour of cost-cutting exercises and optimisations on everything from packaging to design, the brand and product that won the hearts of the Danish public, was well on its way to becoming a lost and forgotten relic. With sales numbers in free fall, it was time to ask the critical question: what would it take to make Guld Barre the most iconic chocolate brand in Denmark again?

Business Problem
The chocolate market has evolved rapidly in the last 10 years with fiercer competition. In a nervous response to these new challenges, the brand began following rather than leading, looking to others to define its strategy and focus. The result was a Guld Barre that lacked all the recognisable elements that once made it famous: from the iconic gold bar shape that you could break into 16 mini gold bar pieces, to the colours, font, design and packaging, and not least the flavours – there was hardly anything left of the Guld Barre people once recognised and loved.

The Objectives
Lift consideration, brand preference and sales with new and existing consumers, while re-vitalising the iconic status of Guld Barre. In short, we needed to lift the reputation of the brand over time, and generate immediate sales.


Business Strategy
The link between brand building and business growth is well established.

So we knew that success was going to rest on establishing an authentic brand platform that could connect communication across the funnel and create an emotional link to the brand. And in order for that platform to be authentic, we needed to bring back the iconic Guld Barre in its original shape, flavours and packaging design.

Then and only then would we be able to create a strong and unapologetic Guld Barre, ready to show the public why it’s more relevant today than ever.

Audience Insight
“I wish I hadn’t spent so many Mondays wishing it were Friday”.

Brand Strategy
Modern day life is all about living for the weekends. We work, we rush, we run around, only to get an escape from it two days a week. Most of our waking hours, escapism rules. But what if life’s actually happening right here, right now?

We conducted interviews and field research with Danes all over the country, and quickly a clear pattern began to emerge: at some point most of us begin to realise that while we focus on the next big milestone in life, real life passes us by.

It’s the small things in life that matter the most. The smell of coffee in the morning, rain against a window, the first time our 2-year old puts their own socks on – the ups, the downs and everything in between.

Role of Brand
Guld Barre is a tribute to the everyday. A small, everyday chocolate, wrapped in gold – here to prove that the most valuable moment is now. The small, genuine, real, honest moments. Those are Guld Barre moments.

Creative Solution & Development Over Time
Toms Guld Barre - Fordi små øjeblikke er guld værd

The new brand platform was launched with an emotional hero film encouraging our audience to press pause on the busy everyday. To embrace all the ambiguity and beauty we notice when we stop and enjoy being in the moment. This was followed by a big re-launch of the “old-new” Guld Barre – back in the original shape and format, breakable and shareable again. The two product launch films delve deeper into the little moments that shape our lives. The moments that often go by unnoticed.


Our work with the brand paid off, which can be seen on the impressive results:

Sales increased with 170%
Market penetration increased with 73%
Frequency up with 14%
Brand consideration increased to 48%
Brand preference increased to 19%
11% of the growth originates from new consumer groups

The proof is in the pudding: sometimes a brand can lose itself in short term tactics and fear of category change, when the answer is in making long-term strategic bets that protect, preserve and elevate the iconic brand assets that can guarantee success beyond the next quarterly report.

Toms Gruppen A/S

Sabine Wahl

Nordic Marketing Manager

Mette Fjeldsøe

Group Marketing & Innovation Director

Twenty Agency & OMD

Thomas Bjerg


Farah Dib

Creative Director

August Rein

Project & Production Manager

Louise Brandt

Strategy Director

Lea Brisell

Creative / Art Director

Sigrid Egedal


Ioana Lahr

Creative / Art Director


New Land
Film Production Company
Film Production Company
Media Agency
Packaging design

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