Show 13. juni 2024

The Web Can Do What




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Vinder af Best in UI Design

Det er sjældent, at noget så nørdet er så stor en fornøjelse. Og hvor selv de ikke-nørdede får lyst til at lege med.
Med ‘The Web Can Do What?!’ formår Google at tage ekstrem niche-viden og gøre det til en intuitiv og flydende oplevelse, hvor der er fokus på de allermindste detaljer. Hvad der på overfladen kan virke som næsten naivt, ligetil og åbenlyst er ALT andet end det, og netop den tilgang sprænger rammerne i en sådan grad, at det bliver svært, IKKE at få lyst til at kopiere det her stykke arbejde i fremtiden.
Det er UI Design i sin kerne og en kerne, der i år præmieres med guld.


Unpacking the web’s latest tools, innovations and big opportunities for developers. We collaborated with Google to showcase the capabilities of the web, and open up a world of possibilities for developers in the browser. The things that make you go: “The web can do what?!”


This is more than a showcase. It's a journey through the digital landscape and an open invitation for developers to build for the modern web.


We helped Google launch a destination to talk about what makes web technology increasingly impactful. With a collection of demos and examples to build on top of. The site launched as a subdomain on the prestigious "", positioning it as a core piece of communication to the Chrome Developer Team. The piece picked up a lot of traction in the developer X community.


Harleen Batra

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Lauren Usui

Product Marketing


Anders Ahrensbach Mikkelsen

Product Design Director

Miguel Bardales Ortega

Lead Designer

Josefine Romme


Lasse Moos

Creative Developer

Andreas Anderskou

Managing Director

Johnny Slack

Chief Technical Officer

Serguei Wsevoloksjy

Creative Developer

