The DNA Project

Hello Monday


Jonathan Dagan

Kategori :

Type :

Vinder af Content Creation

Et fremadsynet koncept med uovertruffen kvalitet i eksekveringen, der formår at nedbryde grænsen mellem design og indhold. The DNA Project er med sin kunsteriske tilgang til markedsføring, og stærke tro på, at det betaler sig at udvikle unikt indhold der rammer plet i målgruppen, en inspirationscase branchen.


How do we get people involved in the making of an album - and help redefine artist-fan relationship?


The making of an album is a complex process that most people don’t get to experience.

The stories and sounds collected, the moments of inspiration. The first pieces of a beat, or melody, that soon become a song.

As a musician, releasing just the final album is a little bit like telling half the story. So for the next j.viewz album, we opened up the creative process, inviting fans to take part in making it with him.

The DNA Project is an interactive experience where you follow along as the songs take form. See the initial inspiration, the failures, successes, and get a deeper understanding of each track’s origins and components - it’s musical DNA.



Jonathan Dagan

Jonathan Dagan

Producer and Music innovator

Hello Monday

Anders Sønderby Jessen

Technical Director

Sebastian Gram

Design director

Torben Dalgaard

Technical Lead

Marcus Fuchs

Senior Art Director