The DNA Journey

&Co. / NoA



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Det er ikke altid den digitale eksekvering behøver være genial. Nogle gange er genialt content nok. Heldigvis.
Denne case rammer tidsånden helt perfekt – det er ægte zeitgeist.Den er flot eksekveret og effekten kommer, fordi den menneskeligt rammer så godt. Den er universel og får hele verden med. Mange i denne branche taler pris og convenience, men her belønner vi effekt for dens purpose.


momondo is a travel metasearch company that was founded on the belief that travel can create a better, more open world:
At momondo we have a vision of a world where our differences are a source of inspiration and development, not intolerance and prejudice. Our purpose is to give courage and encourage each one of us to stay curious and be open minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world.

Yet, even though people travel more, intolerance and prejudice is increasing. A recent global study shows that 48% of people think we have become less tolerant towards other cultures.In order to activate the purpose, momondo needed to not only focus on physical traveling, but also people’s state of mind, because it is only when you truly experience something different that you start to see things differently.

Our task was to produce communication that contributed to the purpose platform “Let’s open our world”. Three objectives were formulated:
1. Create a focus on tolerance and openness in the world
2. Start a universally relevant rather than party-political debate on the issue
3. Turn the debate into a popular movement for a better world

And one supporting business- and marketing objective:
4. Build momondo as a purposeful travel brand, to drive market penetration and -share


With conflicts and stigmatizing debates stemming from issues like Brexit, The European Refugee Crisis, the US presidential election and on-going conflicts across the Middle East and Africa, intolerance and prejudice is gaining ground. To be seen as a relevant contributor to the debate, stay true to the vision and work towards the campaign goals, we needed to address 4 core challenges:
1. Recreate the true value of traveling
2. Make the purpose theme personal and engaging
3. Create a framework that transcends the individual campaign
4. Make momondo “truly” global on a limited budget
Based on this, we came up with a new way of travelling – one where you don’t get to choose your destination. Your DNA does. We called it The DNA Journey, and it was the first communication activation of momondo’s purpose platform.

Posing the question “Would you dare to question who you really are?”, we carried out a social documentary project where 67 people where interviewed about their national identity, DNA tested and interviewed again once they received their often surprising DNA-results.

The result was a 5,17 minute film – not the most obvious viral film format – and extensive additional content of individual people’s stories. Additionally, we ran a competition where 500 people could win DNA kits and ultimately a trip to all the countries in their genetic ancestry.
This documented that we have more in common than we think and that when we see something different, we start to see things differently in a surprising and new way.


It was a message the world was waiting to share.

1. Focus on tolerance and openness in the world - global attention:
• +585million total reach
• +267million video views
• +880 press clips
• +8,3billion media impressions

2. Starting a universally relevant conversation - engagement:
• +10.1million social engagements
• 96.5% organic sharing

3. Turning debate into a popular movement - community:
• Film over-represented in regions burdened by conflict; 15.7% of total views in Middle East
• 170.378 joined chance to have their own DNA-Journey (finally won by Manuel from Mexico)
• Content used by numerous schools, universities, corporations, social communities and talk shows (e.g Oprah)

4. Business: Market penetration and -share:
• Earned media value of USD 90.2million
• ROI 119 (value 90.2/budget 0.75)
• 8% increase in penetration
• 2p.p. increase in global market share

And it is still alive: Following the result of the US presidential election, the film added more than 10 million new organic views.


Per Christiensen

Head of Global MarCom

&Co. / NoA

Robert Cerkez

Kreativ Direktør

Tue Rossel


James Godfrey


Jeppe Rønde



Film produktion
BeOn Nordics part of AOL
Media Partner
PR bureau

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