The Arrivals

&Co. / NoA



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SAS is Scandinavia’s leading airline, but the category was increasingly dictated by low-cost entrants like RyanAir, EasyJet and Norwegian. SAS needed to increase willingness-to-pay for the brand to defend the higher ticket-prices.

The communication platform, ‘We Are Travelers’, was created based on a driver-analysis that pinpointed ‘community feeling’ as one of the main category-drivers to build a price-premium position for SAS.

The primary target audience for SAS is frequent Scandinavian travelers, and upon initiating the campaign, an extensive study of travelers, comprising of 3,090 people across Sweden, Denmark and Norway – was conducted by the research company, Epinion.

The results of the survey showed that as little as one journey a year, makes travelers 33% more open to new cultures and people. Travelers are also 38 % more likely to create innovation that drives the society forward. Moreover, the study showed that the more you travel, the more traveling makes you consider the important things in life, and reflect on your loved ones and all the good things you have back home.


As the study proved; when we travel, we bring the world our best, and we bring the best of the world back with us. And while SAS moves people physically, every journey also has a mental aspect to it; new experiences and new places spawn new ideas that we take back with us. Hence, our key creative insight became that ‘going places takes us places’.

Where better to visually demonstrate this than in the airport arrival hall? The arrival hall is a magical place, where the ‘changed you’ re-enters the world, that you – for a while, at least – left behind.

The Arrivals film was captured from three special-built towers equipped with spy-glass-windows, which were placed in the arrival hall of Copenhagen Airport, over a four-day period. During the shooting, three cameras filmed non-stop without knowing when or where to film; documenting travelers returning home.


The campaign received an overwhelming response. With a 74 % organic reach on Facebook and more than 1.1 million shares, comments and likes, The Arrivals was seen by more than 31 million people and exceeded all initial KPI’s.

The image-effect was measured based on the main drivers motivating a price-premium-category, i.e.: community feeling, joy of travel and reliability. With a total score of 57 %, the hard-to-reach-goal was exceeded by 7 percentage-points.

A total campaign liking of 67% exceeded the third KPI by 17 percentage-points and secured the campaign the highest campaign-liking-result ever measured for SAS.

And most important, the campaign managed to increase willingness-to-pay for SAS and drove price-premium 47 % across all three markets (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) - 12 percentage-points above the ambitious campaign goal.


Didrik Fjeldstad

Vice President Brand & Marketing

&Co. / NoA

Rune Petersen

Art Director

Johan Køhler


Morten Fabricius

Account Director

Camilla Reinholdt

Account Manager

Mette Kruse

Account Manager

Morten Saxnæs

Head of Brand Activation and Social

Rasmus Philip

Social Media Planner

Ørnulf Johnsen

Strategic Director

Anders Martin Jensen

Graphic Designer

Palle Aufeldt

Interactive Producer

Anders Toustrup Darre

Executive Agency Producer

Lene Meyer

In-house Producer



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