Sun Lolly – Don’t Be Perfect, Be Present



Co-Ro A/S

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Sun Lolly is one of Denmark’s most iconic and loved brands and this is the story of how the first ever emotional brand campaign in its more than 40-year brand history took shape.

After years of tactical messaging and price squeezes, the brand found itself in a bit of a squeeze. What was once a treat synonymous with childhood memories and warm summers, now found itself competing for attention alongside elaborate homemade sourdough cupcakes and perfectly decorated birthday cakes filling our social media feeds.
At the same time, 6 out of 10 parents* reported feeling under pressure to be ‘perfect’ and live up to unrealistic parenthood ideals. A trend driven by perfect Instagram feeds and unrealistic ideals of parenthood portrayed in the media. * The Telegraph, 2019
This presented an opportunity for the brand to leverage a perceived weakness – price and accessibility – and turn it into a strength. Sun Lolly might not be the treat you bring out to impress your digital feed, but in a busy everyday, it gives parents a moment of presence with their kids. It has to be opened by an adult, enjoyed with two hands and takes time – all the ingredients you need to be more present, and less perfect.


Don’t be perfect, be present is a multi-channel brand campaign celebrating unpretentious, real, and honest parenthood – because time spent chasing likes on Instagram is time wasted – time that could be better spent with your kids.
The campaign was supported by a brand film, 'Fool For You' that tells the heartwarming story of a father who does everything to make his daughter smile, no matter how silly it makes him look to the rest of the world.
The soundtrack, written and produced for the film – is an ode to parenthood, encapsulating the bitter-sweet emotions that define us from the moment we become parents and follow us through to the next generation.
The social and digital campaign ‘Det eneste ‘like’ der tæller’ reminded people of the only ‘like’ that matters, showcasing parents who go to great lengths to make their kids smile, and opened up to a more honest discussion about the challenges of parenthood.


The goal was to reposition Sun Lolly and create an emotional connection to the previously purely tactical brand, while increasing relevance among parents. The result was an honest and vulnerable story that any parent could relate to and an increase in Sun Lolly’s market share of 4%-points, from 92% to an impressive 96%. On channels like Youtube, Facebook & Outdoor, parents were reminded that being present is the best gift you can give your child and through the 6-month campaign period, Sun Lolly sales increased with a whopping 14%. The two minutes long campaign video performed better than ever imagined with a view through rate of 14,5%. All in all, the campaign enabled Sun Lolly to connect with parents across Denmark, and build the foundation for an emotional brand platform that can effectively strengthen both brand and sales.

Mette Klitvang, Marketing Manager at CO-RO A/S, says: ”Det var nyt – og en smule nervepirrende – for os at give slip, og lade følelserne få frit spil, om man vil. Men det, som gav os ro i maven, var, at vi selv kunne mærke, at vi havde fat i noget rigtigt. Både på brandets vegne, men også som privatpersoner, der jo lever i den samme virkelighed som alle andre. Der skal bare være nogen, som siger det højt. Og det synes vi, at Sun Lolly giver fuldt mandat til. Samtidig blev det klart, at jo mere forpustede vi bliver i jagten på det perfekte, jo mere har vi i virkelighed brug for et uprætentiøst produkt, som tillader os, at bruge tiden på hinanden”

Co-Ro A/S

Mette Klitvang Mehlsen

Marketing Manager


Thomas Bjerg

CEO & Co-Founder

Farah Dib

Creative Director & Co-Founder

August Rein

Agency Producer

Sebastian Bonde

Coordinator & Producer Assistant

Lea Brisell

Art Director

Farah Dib & Lea Brisell


Anna Bukh Jakobsen


Andreas Seebach

Music Producer

Lea Brisell


Anders Bundgaard

Film Director


Blonde Inc.
Fox Tail Music
Music license/supervision

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