Maersk Digital Journey



Maersk Group

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With over 80,000 employees in 130 countries, Maersk Group is the world’s largest shipping company. In order to increase brand awareness and attract the best talent, we helped refresh Maersk Group’s image by establishing a digital presence that was anchored in their core business objectives. However, as the media landscape evolved and digital channels became more fragmented, the company’s digital profile had to develop in order to identify new ways of leveraging their digital and social media presence to achieve specific business objectives.


We have helped Maersk Group plan their digital media presence, where the overall aim is to share the stories behind Maersk Group, interact with potential employees, and position the company in such a way that it is able to take advantage of key business opportunities around the world.

On a daily basis, we help Maersk Group plan and execute informative and engaging content that illuminates its culture, career opportunities, and global activities. Through strategic campaigns we are able to target key markets that offer significant business development opportunities as well as position Maersk Group as a thought-leader across industry discussions.

By mobilizing the existing community, leveraging platforms to reach outside immediate networks and engaging specific audiences, we have supported the growth of Maersk Group’s digital community and influence in key markets. The use of digital media provides geographical independence and contributes with unique dynamics that erase the distinction between Maersk Group HQ and local communities.


When Maersk Group entered the world of digital in 2011; the initial aim was to obtain 10,000 followers on social channels within the first three months. Instead, the results of the our digital activity garnered more than 100,000 followers, which have since grown to more than 2.5 million followers globally as of 2015.

With 13% of monthly website traffic now coming from social media, digital media has now secured a firm place as a strategic tool internally at Maersk Group. Stakeholders across the business are turning to digital media to help communicate their key messages after the success of campaigns such as the 2015 Colombia campaign, which saw website traffic from the country surge 4,203% in two weeks.

Maersk Group

Jon Black Andersen

Head of Branding and Marketing


Mads Brandt

Director of Media