Grundfos – Connecting all the dots




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Grundfos is on a mission to empower their customers and improve customer relations as a part of their overall digital transformation. As their digital platforms gain increasing importance for their customer relations - being their most important point of contact with their customers by far - they are a central part of the overall strategy to improve the customer experience.

With a perpetual focus on customer satisfaction, all of Grundfos’ customer satisfaction surveys and customer experience indicators showed a grave disconnect between Grundfos’ ambitions for an exceptional user experience and the experience they were able to deliver.

When Grundfos built their systems a decade ago, they were ambitious and ahead of their time. Today, however, they had become a massive pain point.

Together, we identified a dire need for a simpler and fully connected user experience, that enables customers to get their jobs done across any Grundfos touchpoint.

To get there, we had to bring in the big demolition teams, breaking down silos, technical as well as organizational.

With a determination to provide Grundfos customers with one experience, the ambition was to unite the design as well as data across all channels, to be able to fully support the jobs to be done.


Grundfos have 4 different types of customers to cater to, and each type have a specific purpose and need when they enter the site:

Wholesaler/distributor: Provide the right information: “I need to order a batch of pumps. And I need to guide my customer to the right choice”

Consulting Engineer: Reduce complexity: “I want help to design a solution, find drawings, specifications and help for my quotation”

Installer: Help making the right choices: “I want to replace a product and I need installation guidance”

Facility Manager: Ensure peace of mind: “I need to ensure my system is running optimal and get maintenance”

The ultimate goal is to catch every visitor, guide and safely support their purpose for visiting. And to be able to provide all of these customers a supported, personalized and tailored experience, we need data. Lots of data! - And a digital setup that enables automated structures to get that job done as best possible.


The three different pillars that make up Grundfos' digital presence is their product center (Online search and sizing tools), main website (Corporate information and services) and extranet (online product ordering). Each of these represent the beforementioned silos- for both the organization and the technology. Each silo contained its own sets of data and structures, even its own design, and were ultimately responsible for the disconnected experiences. The silos naturally had to go and complete new structures and ways of working was set in place.

The solution collects data from all the digital touchpoints and adds it to the digital profile making it possible for each platform in the ecosystem to act on it in real-time. It enables them to work smarter instead of harder. It enables Grundfos to provide one experience, aligned across platforms and truly portraying a premium brand. It enables them to engage more directly and relevantly with their users, with new excellent means of personalisation.

A new Marketing Automation setup was incorporated, to support both customers and Grundfos’ sales. Now, when a customer is looking at a product, Adobe Analytics pushes the behavioral data to Campaign Standard and Target, informing the ecosystem to trigger an automated reaction to support further recommended actions. Such actions could be to push an educational video from Grundfos’ digital learning platform, Ecademy, which is a big part of the optimized customer experience.

By using Adobe Target for personalisation, Grundfos are now able to promote relevant learnings in the context of the pump currently being viewed, thereby giving a higher incentive for self-educating. Now, when anonymous users are looking at a product, they are urged to sign up to the Grundfos Ecademy, which is important for two main reasons: 

1- Being able to identify the user and further personalise content going forward.
2- Helping them begin their own digital learning journeys.

The learning journeys are not just important to make sure the customers use the products correctly; it is also perceived as a key differentiator from competitors. 

So, while the previous experience more often than not hindered smooth transitions between platforms and often blocked the good and effective customer experience, the new solution takes the customers by the hand, and make sure they travel smoothly (unnoticeably) across platforms, collecting and using relevant data, and ultimately providing and getting the right information at the right time, enabling Grundfos to help their customers get their jobs done right and effectively.


The main objective is achieved: 

Grundfos’ customers now have one seamless experience. It is tailored, it is personalized, and it offers real business value based on intelligent user insights. It provides customers with the correct tools and information for self-education and empowerment and ensures easy access to everything from product to service information. In the end, it enables customers to more easily select and size the right product, making their jobs easier and essentially making sure, Grundfos products help provide a better tomorrow. 

The Numbers Agree:

With the new technical setup, Grundfos was able to scale the solution, and as a consequence we successfully rolled out 65 websites globally. That global roll-out increased global website traffic to the new by 20%. Which in itself surpassed the goals set initially! But what’s most important, is whether or not all of these people had a good experience! (Spoiler alert: they did!)

One of the KPI’s was to increase so-called “number of customer journeys successfully completed” (Example: 1. user visits, 2. clicks “my Grundfos”, 3. log-in, 4. log-in successful.). What this KPI essentially measures, is how well the customers are supported on their journey, to be able to do what they actually came for. Though ambitions were high for this KPI, the goal set for 2020 was exceeded by 41%. 

Moving further down that path, what happens next? Hopefully, this results in actual quotes. For this purpose, the Marketing automation setup has been used to automate the process of following up on open/unfinished quotes. Not only to optimise and work smarter rather than harder, but also to provide the customers with a professional and continuous follow-up on their engagements. Again, supporting the customers on their journeys.

By having this process automated, Grundfos has seen an astonishing 131% increase in their acceptance rate, an email open rate that has grown from 16.4% in 2017 to 25.38% in 2020, and even accompanied by an increase in CTR from 2.3% – 3.93%.  Impressive numbers, showing that Grundfos engage directly and relevantly now, adding success to the customer experience and not least their core business.

Looking back to Grundfos 4 main types of customers, a big common denominator for their purpose and needs was more information and/or education. To this end, the perhaps most satisfactory score, showing both customer satisfaction and the level of empowerment and education of the customers, is the performance of Grundfos’ Ecademy. The new Ecademy currently has an astonishing 99.7% satisfaction score, while also showing an important 9% increase in completed courses.


Jesper Olesen

Group Senior Director

Mads Pedersen

Director - Digital Media CoE

Michael Lindencrone Konrad

Senior Product Owner

Thomas Bredgaard

Director - Ecommerce & Customer Tools

Anne-Sofie Andersen

Success Manager

Catalin Ciprian Kádár

Digital Media Consultant

Tessa Sandager Jensen

Digital Designer & UX Consultant

Brigitta-Beatrix Laszlo

Digital Designer & UX Consultant

Jesper Brandt Mark

Global Senior Webmaster

Uffe Skjøtt Grud Kristensen

Global Senior Webmaster


Hanna Wassberg

Lead User Experience Designer

Louise Dryden Thuesen

Team Lead

Sune Depping Jeppesen

Senior User Experience Designer

Robert Holm Thomsen

Creative Lead


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