Danske Bank – New responsive homepages with life events for retail customers

In2media / Insilico / BABY


Danske Bank

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Switching focus

Danske Bank’s 2020 strategy is to provide the best customer experience within the banking sector in the Nordic countries. A new web platform and a new digital presence was therefore needed.

The new website is a cornerstone in creating a future proof, customer centered eco-system that empowers potential (and existing) customers to make financial decisions in important life changing situations.

Through strategic work the overall plan was to switch from product-based offerings to life event-based advisory. With this focus, Danske Bank wanted to build an entirely new web presence with a mobile first approach.

The new digital platform and eco-system was first launched in beta in intervals across the Nordics, and based on feedback continously optimised towards completely replacing the old sites.


The solution is a full responsive and highly personalised web experienced – launched in 4 different languages for 4 countries – Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Agile process & customer involvement

Laying the foundation a strategic framework and content strategy started with:

- analyzing existing website data
- looking at external best practices
- various customer research as interviews and surveys

A new website strategy was formed supporting potential and existing key customer journeys across touch points with for the bank a completely new editorial approach both on-site and off-site through distribution on social media and other channels. The first concept was created as a minimum viable solution of the website launching in beta, and from their evolving based on tests and customer feedback.

Exceptional customer experience

Danske Bank wants to ensure that customers can focus on living their lives instead of worrying about financials in big life changing situations or when the unexpected happens. The website is built to support customers and the solution seeks to:

- Provide relevant advice through articles, calculators, etc.
- Provide easy access to tools, advise and becoming a customer
- Help customers through various dialogue channels

A crucial KPI is customer experience, which we believe will naturally lead to higher new customer conversions and sales of new services and products.

Ensuring relevancy

Danske Bank does not want to choose the channel to use for their customers; instead we want to support all customer situations. The new content management system, Sitecore, enables this via responsiveness, personalisation and being present on social and other digital touch points. Supporting customer needs links into providing relevant content and smart use of behavioral targeting.

Good example of this is e.g. providing the customers with different type of frontpages, based on their previous behavior and whether they have been logged in before. Existing customers are provided with current info, emphasized help functions and promoted easy access to login. Future ambition is to increase partner contents and tap the website more into the online eco-systems.


Improving results

Looking at the final goal of providing an exceptional customer experience, we are on the right track and the results have improved significantly. Yet it’s still early days we experience:

- that leads has increased by more than 30% compared to the same period last year
- that visitors are spending more time on our websites and reading the life event contents, resulting in average time spent on site has increased by 8%
- that 69% of our visitors browse the new life event category with positive feedback

Internal learning too

Working agile with an agency and working with beta has been a big learning process for Danske Bank. This project has started:

- a shift into a new agile working model
- a need to work even closer with the agencies which help getting rid of the “launch and leave” mentality
- a new working model, involving customers and justifying investment and development need with continous customer feedback

Working gradually in phases, has also proven to be a good way to request and ensure needed funding and resources.

Danske Bank

Salla Kalkela

Project Manager

Rebecca Lindberg-Holst

Content Manager

Henrik Weichert

Senior Web Engineer

In2media / Insilico / BABY

Andreas Iversen


Kristine Martinussen

Project Manager

Caleb Wilson

Creative Director

Per Christensen

Lead Creative Developer

Søren Svejstrup

Lead UX Consultant


Hello Group
UX and design


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