Adopt a Keg

AKQA Group



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Vinder af Digital Activation

Med sin kampagne Adopt A Keg viser Carlsberg, hvordan man med en elegant og simpel digital browser-baseret løsning, kæder landets dagligvare-kanaler sammen med de mange barer og restauranter, der netop er hårdt tynget af covid19-nedlukningen. Med forbrugernes engagerende scanning af købte øl, en interaktiv og UX-lækker påfyldning af en virtuel øl-fustage, og den endelige indløsning af gratis fadøl, formår Carlsberg at styrke deres eget økosystem af nødlidte B2B kunder og bar-tørstige B2C kunder. En slags ægte samfundssind, hvor man støtter hinanden, hvilket rammer tiden godt, uden at Carlsberg mister det kommercielle fokus.


Can we drink like there is a tomorrow? In 2020, thousands of Danes offered up a resounding YES!

Meet Adopt a Keg.

Everyone has their favourite bar which they would be sad to see closing. Plus - is meeting your friends over a beer at a bar something to truly look forward to? You bet. All of these emotions were amplified beyond belief when COVID-19 hit Denmark and the world in early 2020.

So. What could Carlsberg do to help our friends in need - the bars? And help the bars help the Danes have something to look forward to?


The answer was Adopt a Keg. A digital service on designed to help Danish bars come back strong after the lockdown. Here, people could fill up and exchange a digital keg for real beer in a real bar as soon as doors opened again. All to the betterment of the bars, the people and the brand.

Here’s how it worked:
You bought 4 beers from the supermarket
Logged on to
Scanned the barcodes on the beers

And voila. You now had two ice cold beers waiting for you, ready to enjoy at a bar near you once lockdown ended. Cheers!


As the summer saw the pandemic slow down, people created thousands of kegs. They met, talked and laughed over a free beer or two. At their favourite place. To the bars’ benefit and to people’s much needed enjoyment.

Because as the people were pouring in, so was the beer. And it’s not about the numbers and the exposure - although those were great. Just to mention a few: 15637 users supporting the initiative, 15235 kegs made, 6,3 million impressions on Facebook, and oh so many happy - and thirsty - souls.

Adopt a Keg made a difference. To the bars, to the people, and to our resilience. And - as we asked earlier - one question summed it all up perfectly:
Can we drink like there is a tomorrow?



Julian Marsili

Global Brand Director

Christopher Bak Billing

Head of Marketing & Sponsorship Denmark

Emiliano Gonzalez De Pietri

Global ECD

Graham Drew

Global ECD

Eric Yves Schmidgall

Senior Global Brand Manager

Sam Wainwright

Global Brand PR Manager

AKQA Group

Steffen Blauenfeldt Otkjaer

Managing Director

Nicolai Smith

Executive Creative Director

Peter Kargo Bruun

Technical Director

Frederik Schumann

Senior Art Director

Lasse Rørdam

Senior Copywriter

Arendse Rohland


Thor Hedegaard

Motion Graphics

Kenn Massesson

Strategic Planner

Javi Campopiano

Chief creative officer

Graham Drew

Global ECD

Emiliano Gonzalez De Pietri

Global ECD

Fong Ong


Jeremy Pyne

Account Director

Ryan Lacey

Account Director

Charlotte Crawley

Account executive

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