Coop Medlem

Hello Group og Greener Pastures


Coop Danmark

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Personalisering er nr. 1 prioritet for den danske marketingverden, og her tager Coop medlemsappen et vigtigt skridt videre fra detailhandlens loyalitetsprogrammer. Potentialet er stort, koblingen mellem loyalitetsprogram, e-handelsplatform, fysisk butik og betaling er ekstremt interessant og eksekveringen er i top. Vi glæder os til at opleve, hvordan appen bliver endnu klogere på brugeren over tid.


Coop, Denmark’s largest consumer goods retailer, is rethinking the future of shopping. One aspect of Coop’s ambitious vision is to develop an entirely new in-store experience for its 1.7 million members.

Coop understands how we shop. At the end of the day, we just want to get in and out of the supermarket as fast as we can, no matter how much we love talking about food, and enjoying a good meal.

Coop’s first task was to deliver on two fundamental promises, which had to be neatly tied together: make the membership rewards clear, and tangible – and make it easier for members to shop for, and prepare, quality food - every day.

Based on the insight that we love food, but lack time, we created a concept that neatly ties Coop’s vision together with members’ shopping behaviour in a solution that’s easy-to-access, understand, and use.


The new membership app is an end-to-end solution that helps you plan, shop, and get the most out of your bonus.

By leveraging your shopping data, you can activate five personalised special offers each week from Coop’s five supermarket chains - Kvickly, Super Brugsen, Dagli’ Brugsen, Irma and Fakta.

During the day, action-oriented content with recipe suggestions, short how-to cooking videos, special offers and food hacks appear on the dashboard to inform and inspire.

The aim is to establish a personal dialogue that delivers the right content at the right time, in the right context, based on personal preferences and interactions.

Members can register their credit card details, and use the app to pay for their groceries with a simple swipe at the checkout – and see their bonus instantly mount up.

And you can use your bonus to help pay for your groceries whenever you want. And because the bonus is now in kroner instead of points, the financial reward is clear and tangible.

The app saves all your receipts, which makes it easy to digitally monitor your grocery bill.

The app also keeps you up-to-date with what’s happening at your local store, with the latest news, invites to tasting events, and exclusive membership offers.

And members can access deals and offers from Coop partners, and earn rewards on everything from travel to tyres.

The more the app gets to know each member and their shopping patterns, the more effective it becomes at helping maximise their bonus in one of Coop’s 1200 grocery stores, based on your location, time of day, and purchase history.


This first release delivers real-time, targeted content that simplifies the entire shopping experience, with an easy-to-use bonus system. And to enhance the feeling of reward, the bubble inflates with each purchase.

It’s discrete too, like a close friend. The more it gets to know you and your shopping patterns, the more effective it is at shaping an experience that’s convenient, personal, and rewarding.

When it launched in October 2016, the media buzz was unanimous - Coop was setting new standards in customer and loyalty programs.

With over 360,000 downloads and over 840,000 activated offers, the app is steadily gaining traction, and helping Coop develop an even closer relationship with its members.

Coop Danmark

Coop Medlemsprogram


Coop Teknologi


Hello Group og Greener Pastures

Amanda K. Bloch

Senior Producer

Henriette Hosbond

Design Lead

Jeppe Drensholt


Lasse Vakgaard

Account Director


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