
&Co. / NoA / NoA Ignite


A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S

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The world of logistics has become far more complex and unpredictable than it ever was. A storm in the Gulf of Mexico could stop a truck in the Netherlands. A pandemic can paralyse markets and countries far away from the pandemic itself. A strike in India may change the colours of the shirts in Italy. And no carrier wants to take responsibility for the next step in the supply chain – except for the challenger within logistics - Maersk.

But how do you convince experienced Senior Logistics Professionals and the hard to get C-suite in global trade that what’s perceived by them as an old shipping company can take on this huge task? Connecting supply chains end to end. Transforming the industry while transforming itself. Replacing previous suppliers and having the nerve to claim they can do it better?


The world of B2B communication is normally riddled with stock images and corporate clichés. It’s also dominated by the belief by brands and advertisers alike that rational communication works best.

This is the opposite approach based on the studies proving emotional storytelling and eye-popping creative in fact make more of a difference and impact in a B2B environment too.

The perception of the Maersk brand and the complexity of logistics required something dramatically different, eye-catching and surprising.


The idea was to give the world an insight into Maersk’s innovative way of thinking and their unique ability to turn customer data into workable solutions that can connect their customers’ supply chains in new and better ways.
First, talking to the target group’s hearts then followed with proof for their minds.

The Disconnected campaign offers an enigmatic and highly cinematic look into the future of logistics. It breaks the conventional use of the digital platforms it appeared on. For instance a platform like LinkedIn, people expect classical corporate updates and job posts. This campaign delivered something quite different.

The initial message of the campaign was carried through a fast-moving thriller story about four strangers from the world of logistics who had to collaborate and think in new ways because their world was inexplicably disconnected. The engagement strategy was to surprise and stand out by using the platforms in ways that no other had done before. To attract the attention of the target audience, the film was edited as a Hollywood trailer. A familiar format to the audience - yet completely novel within this line of communication. The trailer had an invitation to watch the full 5 minute film on the Maersk campaign site.

The campaign assets across various social and digital platforms invited the audience into a carefully constructed website with the full movie and content that matched the ambitions and unconventional universe claiming the position of a logistics company that connects its customers’ world in new ways. Leaving them with a multitude of options in the shape of customer interviews and stories, perspectives of the future and webinars on how to move forward – content that left the audience anything but disconnected.


There was a 34% uplift among the audience to actively recommend Maersk as a logistics partner

Top of mind awareness +20%

Brand perception +13%.

Social video:
164 mio. views
858 mio. media impressions

And the traffic for the campaign site amounted to 1.4 mio. visits.

15.400 hours were spent on the site.

A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S

Kim Pedersen

Global Head of Sales and Marketing

Louisa Loran

Vice President, Global Head of Business Development and Marketing

Anne With Damgaard

Head of Marketing Activation

Dominic Pope

Senior Marketing Manager, Global Marketing

&Co. / NoA / NoA Ignite

Thomas Hoffmann

Creative Director

Claus Collstrup

Senior Art Director

Peter Dinesen

Senior Copywriter

Rasmus Philip

Media Strategist

Pernille Ryder

Account Director

Eva Rabenhøj

Account Manager

Mathias Birkvad

Strategic Planner

Ørnulf Johnsen

Strategic Planner

Kenneth Andersen

Graphic Designer

Morten Grundsøe

Graphic Designer

Anders Martin Jensen

Graphic Designer

Lene Meyer


Anders Darre

Executive Producer

Morten Hoffmann

Executive Producer

Christoffer Boe



Circus Alphaville
Film Produktion


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