Vinder af Experimental

Fantastisk at se et så stort brand som Canon, der har været igennem flere bølger af disruption, tage til genmæle og finde ind til hjertet af brandets DNA og eksekvere det med en digital service som GIG App’en. Perspektiverne er voldsomme på tværs af alle events, hvor mobilkameraet ikke er tilstrækkeligt.

Vinder af Game Changer


BRONZE i kategorien Game Changer går til det super interessante koncept, som med udgangspunkt i kerneproduktet og gode indsigter omkring målgruppen er både godt tænkt, eksekveret og indholdende et stort potentiale... CANON GIG APP!

Vinder af Content Creation


Kategoriens sølvvinder har som få forstået, at mobilen kommer først. Der er tale om et produkt, der i høj grad er i direkte konkurrence med netop mobilen. Men med en strategi, der kunne have heddet ”if you cant beat them join them – and then beat them”, ser vi her en kampagne, der anerkender målgruppens adfærd og hjælper den til at kompensere for mobilens begrænsninger ved at fremhæve egne produktfordele. Det er flot og velkomponeret kampagne, der fortjener sølv: Tillykke til Canon GIG.


Young Consumers capture emotional rich experience with their smartphones all the time. But for some experiences the mobile camera doesn't cut it. In Canon´s pursuit to take on the threat from mobile photography we want to place Canon in situations where we can demonstrate the advantages of high-quality photography through visual and emotional experiences and have people engaging with the brand.
Concerts are one of these situations where the smartphone camera is useless. The lens is too wide and the images become a messy blur.


The solution is the Canon Gig App - a concert app where the users can connect their smartphone to a Canon DSLR camera and take high-quality images in real-time on their smartphone from where they can be shared on social media. The Gig App is a product demonstration that puts a high-quality DSLR experience right in the hands of every fan.

In order to promote the Canon Gig App we made a partnership with the Danish band Turboweekend on their 2015 tour. To get the fans to download the app we used on-location communication at the venue, placed on all spots participants would stay; venue facade, wardrobe, toilets, bar and concert-hall walls. And as the fans joined the venues Wi-Fi connection they were immediately suggested to download the app. The Canon Gig App is developed for iPhone and Android. The Gig App concept will be implemented with concerts across the Nordic Region in partnerships with artists and venues.


Canon developed a tool that enables the young tech savvy generation to experience the visual and emotional advantages of high quality photography. By creating the Canon Gig App the brand has build a scalable activation idea, as well as a content platform that enables engagement and provides real value for their future customers. The average user took more than 60 pictures. 41% of the pictures were shared on the users social media platforms.

In the coming months Canon will be rolling out this initiative across the Nordic Region and the technology allows Canon the flexibility to be present at everything from small intimate concerts to large summer festivals. The technology provide Canon with a platform that could be extended beyond the realm of music to everything from sporting venues to tourist attractions, creating an opportunity to scale the initiative to other segments and age groups.


Morten Nørremølle

Nordic Marketing Director


Jimmy Blom

International Creative Director

Lars Samuelsen

Chief Strategy Officer/Head of Digital

Rasmus Veggerby

Art Director

Carl Angelo

Art Director

Mathias Nielsen

Junior Creative

KarstenL. Kirkegaard

Digital Director

Alexandra Rønde Thielke

Account Manager



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